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Türk Lirası Euro

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Türk Lirası Euro

Delivery and Return Policy

HomepageDelivery and Return Policy

By ordering services from Nettokoa, you confirm that you accept and agree to abide by the terms, conditions and terms.
Last Updated: 22.06.2024.

Hosting/Virtual Server Products

1.1: Upon confirmation of your order, the setup is done automatically and you will receive your hosting/virtual server details in your e-mail and customer panel as soon as possible.
1.2: NettoKoa does not refund money when you order any of the service products, unless there is a problem with the service.
1.3: Anyone who wishes to become a NettoKoa customer is deemed to have accepted the above-mentioned terms of Delivery and Returns. NettoKoa reserves the right to change the terms stated above.

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