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Service and Usage Agreement

HomepageService and Usage Agreement


1.1: This agreement is deemed to be signed between Berat Selim Pekşen (nettokoa.com) (hereinafter referred to as Services) providing the services specified in the services section and the person/entity detailed in the new customer registration section (hereinafter referred to as Customer) regarding the use of the website (hereinafter referred to as Site) operating at the internet address belonging to nettokoa.com and the services to be purchased through this site in accordance with the following terms and conditions. 1.2: The parties declare, accept, and undertake the accuracy of the information written in this agreement.


2.1: This agreement will regulate the sections allowed and not allowed to be done based on the information provided by the customer during the registration process, transactions made on the site, orders, and messages sent, and the fees to be paid to NettoKoa in return for the services to be received according to their preferences in the orders. These service and transaction definitions are as follows. 2.2: Membership information is the information entered by the customer during membership. Since these details will be the basis for transactions, it is assumed that the customer and member have entered this information completely and accurately. 2.3: nettokoa.com may request the sharing of communication information such as email, mobile phone, etc., and verify this information with methods like verification codes to implement security protocols like notifications, sending newsletters, or account verification during registration, purchasing, or similar transactions, and may require these approval processes to use the services. 2.4: nettokoa.com can use the communication information shared by the user during registration to send notifications or newsletters about its services.


3.1: NettoKoa will provide the services presented as an order upon the customer's request. NettoKoa will accept the related fee as collected with the message indicating the acceptance of the order and commit to providing the service specified in the order. 3.2: The payment method and VAT differences will be specified in the total amount cut at the time of the order, and the fees to be paid by the customer according to monthly or annual payment preferences will be notified by NettoKoa. 3.3: The service will start after the order acceptance and approval of the transactions. The responsibility for the related accounts and passwords belongs to the customer, and the customer will be responsible for any loss or damage arising from these issues. 3.4: The customer undertakes to comply with all statements and warnings made by NettoKoa within the scope of the service received. The customer declares, accepts, and undertakes that they will comply with all warnings or notices made by NettoKoa while benefiting from the hosting account. The customer cannot distribute, sell, either paid or free, and/or limited or unlimited, the services provided to them free and unlimitedly within the hosting service to third parties. 3.5: The customer undertakes not to access files or programs they do not have the right to access using the software and programs they own within the scope of the service and not to create any problems due to such an issue, and to compensate for any damage that may arise from any problems and issues that may occur. 3.6: The customer accepts and undertakes that the taxes, fees, and similar obligations that are in force or will come into force during the term of the contract related to the use of the domain name, hosting, or services received are their responsibility and will be covered by them. 3.7: The customer accepts and undertakes that they are responsible for all files, documents, and programs they host within the scope of the service, all transactions they will use and benefit from with website and email services, and all legal and criminal liability arising from the unlawfulness of such data, information, and statements. NettoKoa cannot be held responsible for any issues that may arise from this matter. NettoKoa does not review, verify, approve, or take responsibility for the pages made by the user before sending them. NettoKoa may terminate user accounts for violating these guidelines or for any other reason or if NettoKoa believes it harms its business or any user's business. NettoKoa has the right to delete unlawful actions and transactions as soon as it learns of them without notifying the customer. 3.8: NettoKoa cannot be held responsible for any material or moral damages arising from the content of customer data included in the service it provides, the incorrect/malicious use of this content, and the email data sent and received. All backup and storage responsibilities of the data belong to the customer. NettoKoa cannot be held responsible for any errors, material or moral damages that may occur in case of interruptions or data loss that may occur in its services. 3.9: NettoKoa will smoothly perform the domain name registration processes ordered and paid by the customer. The customer owns the domain name registered and paid with the registration request accepted with the order. NettoKoa can act on the domain name according to the customer's requests regarding this matter. NettoKoa will fulfill the customer's requests for modification, change, and transfer on the domain name as soon as possible. 3.10: NettoKoa's liability regarding the services provided is the monthly fee of the service received. In case of any disruption, problem, or loss that may occur in the customer's services, the compensation claim cannot exceed the monthly fee of the service. 3.11: NettoKoa will take the necessary care and attention to regularly keep the backups of the customer belonging to the service it provides, but it cannot be held responsible for any data losses that may occur due to problems in this regard, and the customer is obliged to regularly save their data. 3.12: NettoKoa specifies the special usage conditions of the products and services it provides on the web page specially prepared for the product and service. Users are deemed to have accepted these terms when they purchase the service. 3.13: NettoKoa can change the products and services it provides over time. 3.14: The customer is obliged to use the services received without harming other users. NettoKoa may warn the customer to correct such uses if detected or temporarily suspend the service without informing. 3.15: The customer acknowledges that all resources specified as unlimited in the services they use are unlimited as long as they use them in good faith and in accordance with the general usage terms. In case of excessive use of server resources or misuse of resources, NettoKoa may warn the customer to correct it or temporarily suspend the service without informing. 3.16: NettoKoa can decide to terminate the service without any condition, regardless of the content and scope of the product and service used. In this case, the remaining balance from the product and service will be refunded to the user. If the customer does not accept the refund or does not respond to the relevant notifications, the remaining balance will be credited to the account. 3.17: NettoKoa reserves the right to suspend or completely cancel expired domain names, hosting, or other services after the expiration date. There is no obligation to keep any data records after the cancellation of expired or unpaid services. 3.18: NettoKoa complies with the requirements of ICANN and REGISTRAR companies as the main producer of domain name registration services. All responsibilities and processes in this regard are valid as the conditions of REGISTRAR companies. The registration processes of domain names are managed by software systems, and these software operate on NettoKoa and Registrar companies. The customer is responsible for controlling the entire process in case of errors in registration, updating, modification, change, deletion due to malfunctions or access problems during this operation. 3.19: The durations of domain names and services purchased by the customer are the periods and dates in the customer panel. The customer is obliged to renew the transactions considering these dates and durations. 3.20: NettoKoa does not refund the fees of unused or incomplete, incorrectly used services purchased by the customer. Therefore, the customer is obliged to use the services received completely and accurately. NettoKoa cannot be held responsible for any incomplete or incorrect use of any service.


4.1: The rights and obligations of the parties specified in this agreement start with the transmission of the order and payment transactions to NettoKoa via the internet. 4.2: The duration of the agreement is the payment period selected by the customer during the order for the relevant service. 4.3: If the parties do not notify that the agreement will terminate at the end of the term 10 business days before the end of the agreement, the agreement will be extended with the same terms and conditions as the previous term. (Fee changes are reserved.)


5.1: The fee to be paid for the services specified in this agreement is the amount specified during the order transaction. The specified fees are calculated by including VAT afterward and collected by showing them to the customer. 5.2: NettoKoa reserves the right to change prices and tariffs forward without prior notice. The customer declares, accepts, and undertakes in advance that they will accept these changes. 5.3: The fee must be paid within 5 business days from the date of the final order by credit card payment instruction if there is a credit card payment instruction in the order process, or if there is no credit card payment instruction, by bank account numbers specified in the customer contact address or in cash to NettoKoa. 5.4: NettoKoa reserves the right to invoice interest charges in case of late payment. 5.5: NettoKoa reserves the right to close or open the relevant service until the customer completes the payment transaction. 5.6: The customer is obliged to notify NettoKoa of the payments of the services received, regardless of the payment method. The order number, the name of the product or service paid for, and the payment method must be clearly specified in the notification.

Service Upgrade/Downgrade

6.1: NettoKoa upgrades or downgrades all services provided. 6.2: In upgrade transactions, the difference amount between the current and the higher package is charged. No new subscription period starts. 6.3: In downgrade transactions, the service subscription duration is extended to the lower package period with the remaining balance.


7.1: It is the customer's responsibility to use the services provided by NettoKoa in accordance with the security rules and to take precautions in this regard. NettoKoa is not responsible for the damages caused by these security measures being taken or not being taken. 7.2: The customer is responsible for the backup, protection, and storage of all data and programs hosted by NettoKoa. NettoKoa cannot be held responsible for any problems that may arise in this regard. 7.3: The customer is responsible for the security of the passwords of the hosting, domain name, or any services they receive. The customer must regularly change their passwords and keep them safe. 7.4: The customer is responsible for the backups of the hosting, domain name, and email services they receive. NettoKoa is not responsible for any problems arising from this. 7.5: NettoKoa is not responsible for any damages arising from the customer not taking the necessary security measures in the services they receive. 7.6: The customer declares, accepts, and undertakes that they will not engage in any illegal activities on the internet using the services they receive. Otherwise, all responsibility belongs to the customer.

Customer Data

8.1: The customer is responsible for all content, files, documents, and programs they host within the scope of the service and all transactions they will use and benefit from with the website and email services. NettoKoa cannot be held responsible for any issues arising from this matter. 8.2: The customer declares, accepts, and undertakes that they will not host any content on their site that is contrary to the general moral rules, the laws, and the regulations. 8.3: NettoKoa reserves the right to terminate the services if the customer engages in activities that harm the general moral rules, laws, and regulations, or if such activities are detected. 8.4: NettoKoa cannot be held responsible for any material or moral damages arising from the content of customer data included in the service it provides. 8.5: All backup and storage responsibilities of the data belong to the customer. NettoKoa cannot be held responsible for any errors, material or moral damages that may occur in case of interruptions or data loss that may occur in its services. 8.6: NettoKoa reserves the right to delete unlawful actions and transactions as soon as it learns of them without notifying the customer.

Service Suspension

9.1: NettoKoa may suspend the service temporarily without prior notice in the following cases: a. The customer not paying the service fee on time, b. The customer violating the general usage rules specified in this agreement, c. The customer causing harm to other customers or users, d. The customer engaging in activities that harm the general moral rules, laws, and regulations. 9.2: In case of suspension of the service, NettoKoa is not responsible for any material or moral damages that may occur. 9.3: The service will be reactivated when the customer corrects the issues that led to the suspension. 9.4: NettoKoa reserves the right to permanently terminate the service if the customer repeatedly causes issues that lead to suspension.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

10.1: This agreement is governed by the laws of the country where NettoKoa is located. 10.2: Any disputes arising from this agreement will be resolved through arbitration or in the courts of the country where NettoKoa is located.


11.1: NettoKoa reserves the right to make changes to this agreement at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the NettoKoa website. 11.2: The customer is responsible for regularly reviewing the terms of this agreement. Continued use of the services after any changes have been made constitutes acceptance of those changes.


12.1: This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this agreement. 12.2: If any provision of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. 12.3: The failure of either party to enforce any right or provision of this agreement will not be deemed a waiver of such right or provision.

Contact Information

13.1: For any questions or concerns regarding this agreement, please contact NettoKoa at the contact details provided on the NettoKoa website.

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